All About Japanese SAKE-3
“Hiya”, Cold Sake
Among the alcoholic beverages in the world, Japanese Sake has one unique characteristic.
It may be enjoyed either warm or cold.
There are three major temperature zones: warmed, room temperature, and cooled (cool in a refrigerator) .
In the olden days, there was no refrigerator,
so temperature type was only two, cold and warm.
When in hot summer, it’s not so cold even if it’s cold.
I would like to introduce more about temperature of Japanese Sake.
The temperature range is every 5 degrees increments, and each range has its own name.
5 degree called “YUKI-HIE”(snow chill), 10 degree called “HANA-BIE”(flower cold),
15 degree called “SUZU-BIE”(chilled)(pronounced BEE-EH).
20 ℃ to 29 ℃ called “HIYA”(just cool).
30 ℃ called“ HINATA-KAN”(in the sun light),
35 ℃ called “HITOHADA-KAN”( Human body temperature),
40 ℃ is “NURU-KAN”(warm),
45 ℃ is “JOU-KAN”(appropriately warm),
50 ℃ is“ ATU-KAN”(hot ),
55 ℃ is “TOBIKIRI-KAN”(too much hot).
The taste of sake depending on the temperature gives a surprisingly different impression.
Choose your favorite cup and enjoy its taste.
That’s the endless fun of Japanese Sake.